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Medical First Aid

€160 EUR

Course Type:
Medical First Aid
Training School:
Diverso Impex
Split, Croatia
3 days

The course (D19) has been designed to meet requirements of STCW section VI/4-1 and is based on IMO Model course 1.14

Course is intended for all shipboard personnel.


Upon completition trainee should be able to apply imediate first aid in the event of accident or illnes on board, indentify and treat medical emergencies.

Course content:

  • Prompt action
  • First aid kit
  • Body structure and function
  • Toxicological hazards aboard ship
  • Examination of patient
  • Spinal injuries
  • Burns, scalds and effects of heat and cold
  • Fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
  • Medical care of rescued people , including distress, hyphotermia and cold exposure
  • Radio medical advice
  • Pharmacology
  • Sterilization
  • Cardiac arrest, drowning and aspphyxia

After successfully completing the course and examinations at the Harbor Master's Office, candidates will receive certificate issued by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.


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Diverso Impex

Velebitska 123

Tel: (+385) 021453040
Email: send message

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