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Basic Training Revalidation (1 day)

$699 USD

Course Type:
Updated STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package)
Training School:
Maritime Professional Training
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
1 day

This USCG approved course provides revalidation of basic maritime personal survival and fire prevention/firefighting skills as per the 2010 Amendments to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Code, as amended.

STCW Basic Training Revalidation Course Length: 1 Day Course Description: Successful completion of this course will satisfy the requirement every five years to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence in Basic Training of Section A-VI/1 and Tables A-VI/1-1 and A-VI/1-2 of the STCW Code, As Amended, PROVIDED that they have been previously issued an STCW certificate and they also can provide evidence of one year of sea service on sea-going (inspected) ships within the last five years. This course is approved by the USCG as satisfying the requirements of the STCW 2010. This course covers the learning and practical objectives for a mariner to demonstrate continued knowledge understanding and proficiency of the minimum competencies for Basic Safety Training as specified in Tables A-VI/1-1 and A-VI/1-2 of the STCW Code, as amended. Personal Survival Techniques: survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting - minimize the risk of fire and maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fire and; fight and extinguish fires Final Assessment. Knowledge Assessment: None. Practical Assessment: Candidates must be able to successfully perform the practical assessments in accordance with the proficiency assessment criteria for Personal Survival Techniques and Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting. If you are certificated under a different maritime administration than the USCG, please verify with your flag state, licensing country that they will accept a 1 day revalidation course for basic training taken in the united states before undertaking this course.

Please note that if you are certificated by the USCG but do not have the 360 days of qualifying sea service during the previous five years, you will need to register for the three day refresher or the five day original basic training courses instead of this revalidation.

NOTE: If you are taking an STCW Basic Training Renewal/Revalidation for a country other than the United States, please verify with your maritime administration/flag state that they will accept this course. Some countries may require a longer course every five years and certain administrations may not recognize a course taken in the United States.


Entry Requirements

Original 5 day Basic Training.
360 days of qualifying sea service in the past 5 years.

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Maritime Professional Training

1915 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale
United States of America

Tel: (+1) 09545251014show number
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