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Chemical tanker Training Programme

€362.50 EUR (incl. VAT)

≈ $393 USD
Course Type:
Tanker (Oil, LNG, LPG)
Training School:
Brodsko upravljanje D.O.O / Ship managment L.t.d
Split, Croatia
6 days


The course was conducted in accordance with the requirements of regulation V / 1-2, section 2.2. and Parts A-V / 1, Section 16 to 21 of the STCW Code and is based on the IMO Model 1.04 guidelines. The course provides advanced training for commanders, machine operators, first deck officers, other machine officers and all other persons on chemical tankers that directly manage the loading or unloading or are responsible for the transportation and handling of cargo.


  • Introduction
  • Chemistry and physics
  • Dangers
  • Rules and regulations
  • Ship design and cargo contents
  • Cargo handling system
  • Safety and pollution prevention
  • Load Handling and Ballast Procedures
  • Tanks cleaning services
  • Ship / land communications


  • Identity card or passport
  • 1 color image
  • 3 months certified navigation on chemical tankers
  • Certificate - brevet Basic ability to work on oil tankers (or Basic ability to work on oil and chemical tankers)


After successfully completing the course, all participants will have a better understanding of the operational work on chemical tankers and will know how to be careful about preventing danger. After successfully completing the course and examinations at the Harbor Master's Office, candidates will receive a Certificate in Chemical Tanker Training issued by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia

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Brodsko upravljanje D.O.O / Ship managment L.t.d

114. Brigade 12

Tel: (+385) 021558547
Email: send message

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