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1741 | Medical Care Person in Charge

$1,750 USD

Course Type:
Medical Care
Training School:
Maritime Institute
Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
5 days


Any applicant who has successfully completed the Medical Care Person in Charge (MIDLATL-307) course will satisfy the Medical Care Person in Charge training requirements of 46 CFR 11.305(a)(3)(ix); 11.307(a)(3)(ix); 11.311(a)(3)(vi); 11.313(a)(3)(vi); 11.315(a)(3)(ii); and 46 CFR 12.621(a)(1) and (2); and Table A-VI/4-2 of the STCW Code, as amended 2010 for an STCW endorsement as Person in Charge of Medical Care.

The specific tasks from the National Assessment Guidelines found in NVIC 10-14 and 11-14; Tasks 19.1.A, 19.2.A, and 19.3.A.

This course covers the requirements of the STCW Convention as amended Chapter VI, Section A-VI/4, and Table A-VI/4-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in medical care, a trainee will be competent to participate effectively in coordinated schemes for medical assistance on ships at sea and to provide the sick or injured with a satisfactory standard of medical care while they remain onboard. The following are the competencies, knowledge, understanding, and proficiencies that will be accomplished during this course:

Competence: Provide medical care to the sick and injured while they remain on board

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Care of casualty involving:

  1. head and spinal injuries
  2. injuries of ear, nose, throat, and eyes
  3. external and internal bleeding
  4. burns, scalds and frostbite
  5. fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
  6. wounds, wound healing, and infection
  7. pain relief
  8. techniques of sewing and clamping
  9. management of acute abdominal conditions
  10. minor surgical treatment
  11. dressing and bandaging

Aspects of nursing:

  1. general principles
  2. nursing care

Diseases, including:

  1. medical conditions and emergencies
  2. sexually transmitted diseases
  3. tropical and infectious diseases

Alcohol and drug abuse:

  1. Dental care
  2. Gynecology, pregnancy, and childbirth
  3. Medical care of rescued persons
  4. Death at sea
  5. Hygiene

Disease prevention, including:

  1. disinfection, disinfestation, de-ratting
  2. vaccinations

Keeping records and copies of applicable regulations:

  1. keeping medical records
  2. international and national maritime medical regulations

Competence: Participate in coordinated schemes for medical assistance to ships

Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
External assistance, including:

  1. radio medical advice
  2. transportation of the ill and injured, including helicopter evacuation
  3. medical care of sick seafarers involving cooperation with port health authorities or out-patient wards in port

Recommended Study Material:
Merchant Marine Officers Hand Book. William B. Hayler, Editor
Master’s Handbook on Ship’s Business Third Edition Tuuli Messer

Entry Requirements

Medical Care Provider within 6 months

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Maritime Institute

5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America

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