1741 | Medical Care Person in Charge
$1,750 USD
- Course Type:
- Medical Care
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- 5 days
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who has successfully completed the Medical Care Person in Charge (MIDLATL-307) course will satisfy the Medical Care Person in Charge training requirements of 46 CFR 11.305(a)(3)(ix); 11.307(a)(3)(ix); 11.311(a)(3)(vi); 11.313(a)(3)(vi); 11.315(a)(3)(ii); and 46 CFR 12.621(a)(1) and (2); and Table A-VI/4-2 of the STCW Code, as amended 2010 for an STCW endorsement as Person in Charge of Medical Care.
The specific tasks from the National Assessment Guidelines found in NVIC 10-14 and 11-14; Tasks 19.1.A, 19.2.A, and 19.3.A.
This course covers the requirements of the STCW Convention as amended Chapter VI, Section A-VI/4, and Table A-VI/4-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in medical care, a trainee will be competent to participate effectively in coordinated schemes for medical assistance on ships at sea and to provide the sick or injured with a satisfactory standard of medical care while they remain onboard. The following are the competencies, knowledge, understanding, and proficiencies that will be accomplished during this course:
Competence: Provide medical care to the sick and injured while they remain on board
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
Care of casualty involving:
- head and spinal injuries
- injuries of ear, nose, throat, and eyes
- external and internal bleeding
- burns, scalds and frostbite
- fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
- wounds, wound healing, and infection
- pain relief
- techniques of sewing and clamping
- management of acute abdominal conditions
- minor surgical treatment
- dressing and bandaging
Aspects of nursing:
- general principles
- nursing care
Diseases, including:
- medical conditions and emergencies
- sexually transmitted diseases
- tropical and infectious diseases
Alcohol and drug abuse:
- Dental care
- Gynecology, pregnancy, and childbirth
- Medical care of rescued persons
- Death at sea
- Hygiene
Disease prevention, including:
- disinfection, disinfestation, de-ratting
- vaccinations
Keeping records and copies of applicable regulations:
- keeping medical records
- international and national maritime medical regulations
Competence: Participate in coordinated schemes for medical assistance to ships
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency
External assistance, including:
- radio medical advice
- transportation of the ill and injured, including helicopter evacuation
- medical care of sick seafarers involving cooperation with port health authorities or out-patient wards in port
Recommended Study Material:
Merchant Marine Officers Hand Book. William B. Hayler, Editor
Master’s Handbook on Ship’s Business Third Edition Tuuli Messer
Entry Requirements
Medical Care Provider within 6 months
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America
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